Whatever you believe, you shall become that. I am sure you have heard this before. Now, whatever thoughts you create in your mind, then you shall become start manifesting it.
“You do not become what you want, you become what you believe”
Now, what usually happens is that the day I think I am a peaceful soul, the very same evening. I become the most unhappy and disturbed. Why is it so? The positive thought created remains. At the same time, other negative thoughts are created who can overpower the positive thought. As a result, a mixture of thoughts is created.
Suppose you create a thought that I am a loving soul. And then you create a second thought to react when a situation or people are not according to my liking. So, we are creating two different thoughts at the same time. Because of the mixture of two different thoughts, we do not get results. Also, the thought which is created more has a higher chance of the outcome.
Hence whatever you believe and also repeatedly think, each moment then you shall become that. Creating a thought a few times and creating an opposite thought will not give any result. The thought which is created more number of times will be the reality. Predominant thought will make you what you believe.
Suppose you created a thought that you are a peaceful soul. And also you got angry many times during the day as you thought that my anger is natural. My frustration is natural. My irritation is natural. So, you will become angry as you have more thoughts about being angry than being peaceful.
Hence, it is important to check our thoughts. Are we getting carried away with negative situations that influence us rapidly? Our solid belief should not sway us in any circumstance or any situation. Self-belief can be made stronger only when we believe that it is easy to do so. Make things easier for oneself in life.
Is it possible to think of each thought carefully? Is it possible to speak each word carefully? Yes, it is. Each thought and word has a power in it which reinforces our belief system. And, the power manifests itself. Once manifested it takes a shape of reality.
Suppose there is a problem in a situation or a relationship. We pray or seek blessings from others. When we do so, our belief resides in the person who blessed us. But when we bless ourselves then we empower ourselves. We create a thought to see the situation in a positive light. We also assure ourselves that the problems will go away and we shall sail through it successfully. The thought that our work shall be done is very important. This is purely due to self-belief.
Creating the right thoughts at the right time helps truly. Shedding worry and fear helps in creating powerful thoughts. Be your own catalyst and change your thoughts in case you are going through worry, anxiety, and fear. The chain of powerful thoughts influences our every situation in life.
What you want to become in life or what you wish to achieve is based on the thought which you created in your mind. So, keep believing and you shall become that. Seeking others to bless you, may or may not work for you. The reason is simple. You rely on others and that is based on your belief in them. In case you doubt those who advise or guide you, then your thoughts will be doubtful in nature.
Important point is that whether seek blessings from others or not, but if you do not bless yourself then the reality will not manifest itself.
We need to bless ourselves. Bless oneself to direct one’s own life. What you believe is what you become. What you think about yourselves is what you will become.
We need to remind ourselves in all situations that our every thought is pure and powerful in nature. Worry is not a blessing to ourselves. Worry and concern is a negative thought. Reinforcing these negative thoughts and concerning words manifests itself into reality.
Let us start blessing ourselves, our children, our family, and all those around us. Be the controller of your destiny. Take charge of your thoughts and words.
We should say, I am this. I am a loving person. I am a peaceful person. I am a happy person. I am kind. These beautiful thoughts become our predominant thoughts and help us to attract what we want.
Give yourself powerful inner energy throughout your life. Attract what you want. So you will become that. Keep yourself glowing with light. Slowly you will become that.