“Unlocking Happiness: A Journey Within Ourselves”
In a world that’s constantly changing and demanding, we often find ourselves in pursuit of happiness and inner peace. It’s a quest that seems elusive at times, as we seek fulfillment in external factors like success, recognition, and material possessions. But what if the key to happiness has been within us all along? Let us explore the profound wisdom encapsulated in the simple yet powerful idea that happiness is our password to life.
Happiness is Our Best Friend and Foe: We are our own best friends and worst enemies when it comes to happiness. It all starts with recognizing that the end goal in life is not the accumulation of wealth or the pursuit of external validation. It’s about being happy and at peace with ourselves.
Choosing Happiness in Our Work: One crucial aspect of this journey is choosing work and activities that bring us happiness. If something doesn’t bring joy, it might be time to reconsider and align our actions with our inner happiness.
The Quest Within: Much like Kasturi searching in the jungle for a fragrance that’s already within her, we often look outside for happiness. The truth is, happiness resides within us, waiting to be discovered.
The Illusion of External Validation: We often seek happiness through outward appearances and the appreciation of others. However, this external validation often leads to fleeting and false happiness. True contentment comes from within.
Expectations and the Art of Giving: Expectations can be a source of unhappiness. Instead of expecting, focus on giving. Those who give selflessly are akin to ‘Devta’ or deities. Nature constantly gives without expecting anything in return.
Embrace Your Uniqueness: Each of us is unique, like the fingers on a hand. We’re neither big nor small; we all have a role to play in the world. Your purpose can be found in spreading happiness to others through your actions.
Embrace Differences: Once five finger had a heated debate over who was the most important. Thumb claimed strength, Index Finger pointed the way, Middle Finger maintained balance, Ring Finger added beauty, and Pinky represented trust. Then they went to a priest and asked him to choose the most special finger. Priest said each one of you have a task. Independently you have to make knead the flour and make a ball of dough. Soon they realised that they cannot do by themselves but can manage if they are together. They realized that each had a unique role and decided to embrace their differences, working together as a harmonious team, stronger for it.
The Law of Reciprocity: What you give is what you get. If you spread happiness and positivity, it will come back to you. Cultivate a mindset of abundance and generosity.
Controlling Desires: Desires, especially the desire for recognition and respect, can lead to discontentment. Learning to control and channel these desires positively is key to finding inner peace.
Acceptance and Trust: Understand that everyone operates according to their capacity, values, and virtues. Don’t impose your expectations on others. Instead, trust that everything happens for your good.
Cutting Negative Thoughts: To combat negative thoughts, use the power of positive thinking. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations and beliefs. A thought only can cut another thought. So use positive thought to combat negative thoughts.
Words and Promises: Ensure that your words and promises are not empty. Being true to your word builds trust and fosters happiness in relationships.
Living in the Present: Stop overthinking and worrying about the future. Embrace the present moment and trust that everything will work out as it should.
Happiness is not an elusive destination; it’s a way of life. By looking within ourselves, controlling our desires, giving to others, and trusting the universe, we can unlock the door to lasting happiness and inner peace. Remember, happiness is your password to life; use it wisely.