Three tools to uplift and elevate your life to thrive.

3 min readMay 10, 2023


We are what we repeatedly do

We seem fine externally but may be disturbed and restless within. There is an emptiness inside.

The inner pain troubles us and nags us continuously. We replay catastrophic episodes again and again. We are psychologically and spiritually imbalanced. We are in a rush to fill the gap by various external means. We fail to experience bliss. We seem to be in the trap. We keep playing ping pong energy games. We keep discussing old painful commentaries in a loop. The mind keeps hopping to the past and then jumps to the future. Little incidents or words seem to perturb us deeply. Do not copy and repeat small hurtful events. The magnitude increases manifold and leads to an enhanced level of restlessness. Practice stillness. Here are the three reminder tools to awaken and feel peaceful.

Change at the level of the soul

It’s time to change the inner landscape for good by change of perception. It is crucial to nourish oneself from within. We have to see that whatever is going on is a drama. Any fall or disturbance is also a part of the drama. We can not start assessing and questioning good or bad in our lives. So, start seeing beauty in everything big and small around you. Do not let your ego block your energy. A busy mind getting attached to the past or even present makes the mind exhausting mind. Trust whatever is happening is for the higher good. Look at each being as a soul on a journey. Stay in the self-respect of your soul and also give respect to all souls. Do not absorb or reflect the energy of others. Do not continuously exchange energy. Instead, understand and then transform the energy of others positively. Heal others with your positivity. Look at others as a soul on a journey. Bless them.

Change by your behaviour

Make yourself loving and caring. Be kind and peaceful. Be aware of your thoughts. Check and monitor your behavior. Watch your thoughts. Do not be a slave of your behavior. Whatever is happening in your mind will come out in the form of words and actions. Keep good habits.

Change by your resolve

Willpower and determination can bring a transformation. Remember that your original pure nature is love, harmony, and respect. Spread vibrations of respect and humility to all. Be stable in all situations. Have proper resolve and willpower. A powerful determination can convert wasteful thoughts into quality thoughts. Be aware that each moment is precious. Take a grip over your wandering mind. Every moment wasted in looking back keeps us away from moving ahead.

Do you put a full stop to your nagging thoughts? If not, then use the power to resolve and do not go into a loop. The spark of such resolve empowers the soul.

Joy and happiness are a beautiful result of these efforts.




Written by Isha

Exploring my spiritual journey towards a more conscious life.

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