Stop the commentary inside. Create a foundational energy of acceptance.
How does he look like, how does he speak? Such kinds of thoughts keep coming in our mind. We keep running the commentary inside. And these vibrations of doubts are emanated directly to the person. Situations would not be your way. They would not be in your control either. But you don’t have to get angry. And you don’t have to pretend, either. All you have to do is to stop running the commentary inside. The moment you stop your commentary, the vibrations get changed. It creates an atmosphere of acceptance. Create foundational energy of acceptance.
Are you happy with yourself? Is your inner energy calm? Does your chatter continue all day? Do you talk non-stop inside your head? Is the talk inside your head a talk of acceptance? You may be uttering sweet words and have wonderful gestures, but only you know what is the conversation you’re having inside you.
There is no effort required to be loving. There is no effort required to accept the other person. All one has to work is on the quality of the thought. If the quality of thought is poor, then you damage your own happiness. Each thought creates a chain of many other thoughts.
There are always two thoughts parallelly running in your head. One thought, which is the thought of acceptance. The other is thought of, let’s say rejection. And these thoughts are basically a part of your true nature.
So, these two thoughts are trying to oppose each other. One thought says to act and the other thought may say, to not act. One thought could be a loving thought other could be thought of hatred. These parallel thoughts which negate each other are the tendency of a human mind.
One thought could be thought of jealousy, the other could be thought of appreciation. On a daily basis, try to practice correcting your thought. A thought which is more loving in nature. A thought which is more accepting in nature. By practicing this, you will see a shift in the quality of your thoughts, and thereby, you will be able to create more happiness. This shift will stop blocking your own happiness.
So, maintain awareness of the quality of your thoughts the whole day. You have always two choices to make inside you. A choice of an angel or a choice of a devil inside you. What would you like to choose? And this choice determines the quality of your life. And it also brings more happiness and more peace within.