Divine acts of God

4 min readAug 18, 2022


We need to connect with God and inculcate divinity within us. Prepare yourself by bringing changes within self.

Let us understand the acts of God, his role and purpose.

Role of God and Aum sound : Sound of the universe . Om Shanti comes from two words. Om and Shanti. Om originates from Aham which is self, the soul. Shanti means peaceful. A soul whose religion is to be a peaceful soul. Om comes from three sounds. Aa,U and M. Aa means Aacharan (acts), U means Uccharan (vocabulary) and M comes from Mansa (mind). This sound means that one should do what one says. Most of the times we say something, do something and think something else altogether. Om Shanti is pronounced three times. Once to emphasise that we are peaceful soul, second to suggest that we reside in the kingdom of God and third to announce that we are the children from the ocean of love.

Aum sounds also explains the role of God. Au means Asthitva ( to raise), U — Uthaan (to bring up) and M means mrityu ( to end or destroy). GOD is thus also called as Giver,Operator and Destroyer.

God is Nirakar and Jyoti sarup. When the downfall of the world begins then GOD appears to save the world. God redirects the human beings to follow the right path. God appears in human form. This form is called Brahma. God comes in an old human being form to convert the mankind.

Brahma Baba

Dada Lekharaj was born in a village in Sindh Hyderabad, now Pakistan. He had a spiritual bent of mind. Due to his hard work and dedication, he rose to become a diamond merchant. His business was located in Calcutta. However, it extended to Mumbai, Nepal, and many other places. He was married and had five children.

When he was 60 years old, he started getting visions. He saw the old world being destroyed in natural calamities, civil wars, and world wars. This created a lot of disinterest in him towards worldly activities.He then had visions of tiny stars descending on earth and becoming divine beings (deities).

He also had the vision of The Supreme Light. He was then told that he needs to establish the new world and the deity religion — Adi Sanathan Devi Devta Dharam.These visions and experiences. left him confused. He used to sit by the bank of the river Ganga and ponder over life. It was then that he was enlightened. He got the knowledge that human beings are souls — points of divine light. It’s the life force, which gives life to the body. All activities are done by this divine point of light. The body is just a medium.

When the body becomes old the soul leaves it and takes another body. This world is a huge drama stage where the soul continues to take new bodies. All the souls, irrespective of their religion or caste are spiritual energies. Souls are immortal.

He was told that the current period is the end of the Iron Age. The old world will perish due to the sinful acts by people. At the same time, a new world of deities will emerge.As he was enlightened and was given the spiritual name Prajapita Brahma.The Supreme Father started speaking to humanity through him. God revealed that He’s incorporeal self-effulgent light. He never comes in the cycle of birth and death. He descends in the body of Prajapita Brahma in the Confluence Age which is the period of transition from the Iron Age to the Golden Age. He does this for world transformation. He reveals the secret of creator and creation. The home of all souls and the Supreme Soul is Paramdham-Incorporeal World which is beyond the sun, moon, stars, and galaxies.

The time cycle has 4 parts, Golden, Silver, Copper, and Iron Ages. Once it’s completed again it repeats identically. He announces that He descends to establish the Adi Sanathan deity religion, through Brahma.

Divine acts of God

1. The first divine act of God Shiva Dukh harta ,Sukh harta. Shiv is Narikaar. Shiv is the creator of Brahmam, Vishnu and Shankar. Brahma appears in the form of God. By incorporating divinity and living in unconditional love of God we can make our life blissful. One can experience bliss beyond the senses. By connecting with God you experience happiness.

2. The second divine act is the role of Shankar Shankar is the destroyer. Shankar is always in a state of tapasya. He has to take energy from Shiva to the destroy the world. Shiv has Ganga in his hair. Ganga represents ocean of knowledge. The half moon represents beauty. Snake represents winning over the vices.

3. The third aspect is that of Vishnu, the Sustainer. When God Shiva re-establishes righteousness (dharma) of the golden age through Brahma, Brahma then takes rebirth as the first prince of the golden age known as Krishna. Vishnu has 4 arms, 2 of Lakshmi and 2 of Narayan. Lakshmi and Narayan combined form is known as Vishnu, the sustainer of the world. Vishnu is shown adorned with the Eternal World Drama Wheel (chakra) on the index finger of the upper right hand. The Conch Shell represents the dissemination of godly knowledge . It is the shape of mouth. We should speak less, speak slowly and speak sweetly. Lotus Flower represents complete purity in thoughts, words and actions. Become like lotus remain untouched with negativity and hatred.

Swadarshan vs Sudarshan : Swadarshan means to self reflect. Witness the self is called Swadarshan. This process to witness the soul lead to the path of progress of the soul. Sudarshan means to witness others only, This should only be done to see good qualities in others. This leads to imbibing goodness of others and hence improving your qualities.




Written by Isha

Exploring my spiritual journey towards a more conscious life.

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