Be a morning achiever and elevate your life.

3 min readFeb 28, 2023


Waking up at 5am is a recipe to true success. It is a holy hour where you will achieve higher productivity and will power. It is the time when you have the highest willpower and energy. You shall encounter discomfort initially but slowly these habits will kill your distractions and bring your focus to something which you are really good at.

Wake up early morning and feel great doing it.

Follow a plan and enjoy your early morning

“I believe challenges are God’s way of strengthening us mentally , spiritually, and physically. After we take up the challenge that confronts us, we become wiser and stronger”. Getting up early at 5am is a challenge indeed. One should begin the routine on a positive note. Have a glass of warm cumin and fennel water. You can add soaked half teaspoon cumin and half spoon fennel separately overnight in one glass of water. In the morning boil it for 8–12 minutes and drink it.

Here is your morning planner:-

Morning Planner

5 Minutes : Stay silent and observe your thoughts and focussed breathing.

10 Minutes : Boosting exercise (exercise is written below or you can go for a morning walk)

10 Minutes : Train your brain. Read any book that can help you grow.

5 Minutes : Start manifestation.Imagine as if you have achieved your desires.

3 Minutes : Self affirmation for encouragement.

2 Minutes : Write a gratitude note.

Pick/Drop one thing for next 30 days

1 Drop — — — For next 30 days

1 Pick — — — For next 30 days

You could drop anger, irritability, jealousy, procrastination or any negative trait. You could also drop inhibitions and fears. You can also drop unnecessary phone usage. You could pick any positive trait like discipline, forgiveness, smiling, kindness or any positive trait.

Challenge Reminder

Count your blessings. Repeat in your mind or say it loud. “I appreciate the flow of blessings and miracles into my life”.

Pamper yourself. Spend quality time with oneself for growth and empowerment.

Challenge yourself by taking up tasks which you have never done before for example trying posting a video, taking a cold shower, going on camping, ayurvedic cooking lessons, yoga programs, public speaking or taking any positive initiative. Very soon you shall be doing uncomfortable things comfortably. Very soon you shall become an extreme achiever.

Boosting Exercise

20 Star Jumps

10 Push ups

10 sec Plank

30 sec High Knees

10 Squats

20 Star Jumps

Train your Brain

Make reading habit. Read at least 20 pages.

Some Book Recommendations

The secret

Power of now

Dynamic laws of prosperity

Think and grow rich

Rich dad poor dad

Miracle morning

The universe has your back

Success through positive mental attitude

Power of subconscious mind

Happy money

5 am club

Atomic habits

Money and the law of attraction

Small daily improvements build on each other. The important ingredient is consistency — making improvements every single day, without fail. Win mind over mattress. After one hour of waking up, you will have already reconnected with your mindset, heartset, mission and values. While the rest of the world sleeps, your waking up gives you a tremendous psychological edge.

Wake up continuously for 66 days until it is hardwired and you have built a habit. Good luck!

#5am routine




Written by Isha

Exploring my spiritual journey towards a more conscious life.

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